Regina MArtin

Free, fearless & fierce as f*ck!

And on a mission to get you there too.

I'm your Confidence Healer. I’m an empath and intuitive healer. I heal you and your business and the person. Because when you feel small you play small, and we ain’t here for that!

Stepping out into the world with unshakeable belief in yourself and the AUDACITY to succeed is what’s gonna get you the success you dream of. Working with me goes beyond just web design or knocking up a logo or two. I’m here to help you find your true purpose unleash the empowered trailblazer who radiates confidence and authenticity.

I wasn’t always this certain about myself 

Nearly 20 years of pioneering the digital landscape in the charity sector have left their mark.

15 years of pioneering the digital landscape in the charity sector have left their mark. You see, I was never meant to be confined within someone else's vision, and each moment spent in that space chipped away at my sense of self-worth. Now, don't get me wrong, I excelled at what I did, collaborating with renowned brands like HMRC, Barclays, The BBC, British Gas, to name a few. Yet, deep down, I sensed a higher calling. I felt the untapped potential within, but it seemed elusive, like trying to catch a shooting star. Despite my professional success, I found myself caught in a game where I had to sacrifice parts of my authentic self to advance. I yearned to break free and rediscover my true identity. In all honesty I ignored that yearning for so long it had a serious effect on my mental health! My OCD was OCDing!

Healing my confidence helped me SOAR

For the last five years of my corporate career, I grappled with the weight of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Modern medicine provided temporary relief, but it merely masked the underlying pain. When I embarked on my entrepreneurial journey, I tasted true freedom. Yet, I carried the scars of not feeling 'good enough,' 'pretty enough,' or 'talented enough' to thrive. While witnessing others with half my  skills and experience soar, I remained in the shadows, playing small. In true Regina stylee, I made a bold decision: I would heal myself, and I would do it my way. Mindfulness meditations gave way to quantum meditations, Ho'oponopono, and breathwork. I gradually liberated myself from medication's grip, embracing Reiki, Pellowah, and crystal healing. I harnessed the power of NLP and EFT tapping to shatter limiting beliefs, diving deep into theta meditations to rewire my subconscious. Numerology, astrology, and Human Design unveiled the map of my life's purpose, and BOOM, I unleashed the Queen.

Being yourself isn't a choice!

Showing up for myself and my business in my own way was the key to my success. And I want this for you too. Confidence is the secret sauce to success, the magnetic force that attracts opportunities and fuels achievement. When you believe in yourself, the world believes in you too. That's where  The Confidence Healer steps in – as your trusty sidekick on the path to triumph. I get how self-doubt can be the roadblock between you and your dreams, and I’m here to help you  bulldoze it. The  transformative approach I use with all my clients, whether coaching , web design or the whole She-Bang, nurtures unshakable confidence, empowering you to embrace challenges, seize opportunities, and own your journey. With the Confidence Healer by your side, you're not just rewriting your story; you're authoring a saga of triumph and self-assured greatness. It's time to make confidence your superpower and watch success unfold effortlessly.

Let’s Work together

Confidence healing

1:1 and group coaching and mentoring to help you find your life’s purpose, break through your limiting beliefs and step into the most successful version of you.

Your website

Your website? It’s not just a URL, it’s your digital palace. From UX to every last pixel, we’ll craft a site that doesn’t just tell your story – it shouts it from the virtual rooftops.

Your Branding

Imagine your brand not just speaking but singing to the hearts of your audience. That’s what I do. With a sprinkle of creativity and a whole lot of strategy, I turn your brand's whisper into a roar.

But Wait... Are We A Match?

I just love working with women who know they’re meant for more, the queens of their realms, seeking to extend their dominion into world domination.

If you're ready to make an impact, step into your success, and wave goodbye to self doubt, then darling, let’s dance!

For the bold, the brave, the mavens of success– if that's you, let's create some splendour together!